Mixology Set: Tools and Glassware

kr 579,79 NOK

A complete Mixology set fit for any tavern or bar! One of every basic tool and one of each basic type of glassware! All aiming for <1k Tris per prop. (around 28.5k tris in total for all pieces)

All tools have wooden, bronze, or a mix between the two textures. Each are complete with a metallic map if necessary, and all have as minimal material data.

Glassware has a basic unified material which is designed for Blender specifically, but may be easily converted in Unity or whichever engine you prefer. No textures are included (as for glass I felt that was redundant), however they are all unwrapped to ensure quality reflections.

In addition, all glassware has been designed with the "Subdivision Surface" modifier included in Blender in mind. So, if you desire them to be much higher res for fancier pieces, they will respond accordingly.

Finally, all glassware has a semi-unified scale for ease, and are all roughly the same size. I found this made importing and exporting them easier, and as such sought to pay that ease forward.

Asset List:

  -  Tool Stand
  -  Bottle Opener
  -  Two-Part Mixing Glass Set
  -  Corkscrew
  -  Double Jigger
  -  Cork Spout
  -  Pestle
  -  Ice Tongs
  -  Hawthorne Strainer
  -  Bar Spoon
  -  43+ Glasses